Location Report

College corridors – The corridor close to the Sports Hall, to use the lockers as props in the film trailer. This is quite a long corridor, with a wide area space, therefore if tracking was required it is possible to use them in this certain location.
For the majority of the shots, we will be using a tripod as there are close ups of the characters saying their dialogue. We will place the tripod against the opposing wall to the lockers in order to get good establishing shots.

Eastfield Park – This is a park local to our college, which we shall be filming two scenes in. This park is large, with a wide area of space which has goal posts in, and a wooded area on the outskirts of the park.
For the scene where two characters are running through the wooded area of the park, we propose to use a tripod for this particular scene, placing the equipment on a pathway so to stay with the risk assessments.
Tracking wouldn’t really be suitable to use in the wooded area as the ground is uneven, which would inevitably make the shots unsteady. We could use tracking for these shots if we were to move the scenes into the open area of the park.
When filming here, we will have to take into consideration all of the risk assessments.

Kitchen – We will be using the colleges staff room kitchen, which is a small square room. To get an establishing shot, if needed, we would put the tripod onto the work surfaces so we can zoom out even further. Tracking isn’t suitable in this particular location because the area of space isn’t large enough.

Street – We will be filming an establishing shot of a house to set the location in the film trailer. We shall be filming the outside of the house, therefore will be filming on the street pavement. This location is suitable to use both the tripod and tracking, as we aren’t limited in area of space on the street. When filming here, we will just have to consider the risk assessments.


Risk Assesment


Risk Assesment Document Link


Health & safety

Risk – A member of the public could trip over the technical equipment.
Action – Ensure that no equipment is left in thoroughfares so to make sure no accidents can occur.

Risk – Equipment could get damaged from weather conditions
Action – When filming outside, check the weather to see if equipment could potentially get damaged by wind or rain. Move shooting day to a more appropriate day/when weather improves.

Risk – Someone could slip over or equipment could get damaged by food and drink left.
Action – Ensure that no cast or crew members leave food and drink in inappropriate places, and all rubbish is disposed of properly.

Risk – Certain props actors are using could cause them to trip up.
Action – Make sure that the actors are very careful when using the props, and are fully aware of the area of space they are using.

Risk – The tracking, if left unattended, could cause an accident to a member of the general public, cast or crew.
Action – Always move or pack away the tracking when not in use to prevent an accident from occurring.

Risk – The camera could be damaged by the cameraman not realising he has ran out of tracking whilst filming.
Action – Ensure that the cameraman has a reliable spotter, so they can warn him when he is about to run out of tracking.

Risk – Misbehaving could cause accidents to occur, for instance, damaging equipment or causing injury to a member of the group.
Action – Ensure that everyone is aware of the work they are doing, and aren’t messing around.

Risk – Furniture could be in the way of filming, and therefore harm a cast or crew member.
Action – Remove all furniture if not needed, or simply move the furniture to a more appropriate place whilst the filming process is in action.

Risk – An actor could trip over whilst filming the running scenes.
Action – Ensure that they are wearing appropriate and convenient foot wear whilst running, so to prevent an injury from occurring.

ZomGlee – Risk Assessments

Hazard – Equiptment left in a thoroughfare, causing members of the general public to trip.
Prevention – Ensure that all equiptment is safely put away out of the way of thoroughfares so that no cast, crew, or members of the general public so to not cause any accidents.
This action shall be completed by techincal crew members throughout the filming week.

Hazard – Filming equiptment could be damaged by food and drink left in shooting locations.
Prevention – Make sure that no liquids are left in a shooting location near any electrical equiptment, or to futher prevent any accidents occuring, ban all food and drink from being consumed in an area where filming equiptment shall be used.
All cast and crew members shall ensure that this action takes place throughout the filming week.

Hazard – Cast and crew members could be harmed whilst filming by bumping into one another, or equiptment.
Prevention – Make all cast and crew members fully aware of where equiptment are, and other people around them too before starting to film so to not cause accidents whilst filming.
This action shall be taken up by all cast and crew members alike.

Hazard – The tracking could cause crew members to trip over
Prevention – Make sure that crew members are aware of where the tracking starts and stops, or have a spotter to tell the cameraman where to stop whilst filming so to not damage equiptment or hurt themselves.
This action shall be taken up by a crew member.

Hazard – Weather conditions could damage equiptment (e.g raining, windy)
Prevention – If it is raining outside, shoot in an inside location or on another day so the eletrical equiptment doesn’t get damaged by rain water, or knocked over by heavy wind.
This decision shall be made on the day of shooting particular scenes.

Hazard – Tables and chairs could cause someone to trip
Prevention – Before filming, remove all furnishings that are in the way of the cast and crew, or anything that could potentially be dangerous whilst filming. If tables and chairs and such furniture are in the way, remove them from the room or out of the way of thoroughfares.
This action shall be taken up by crew members just before shooting starts, and checked over again when cast are present.

Hazard – Misbehaving could cause accidents and harm crew/cast members or damage equiptment
PreventionEnsure that all cast and crew members know beforehand how to behave properly at shooting locations, and punish bad behaviour accordingly.

Hazard – Injury caused by opening and closing of doors.
Prevenation – If actors and dancers need to come through the doors, get someone to open it to ensure their safety.

ZomGlee – Editing Report

I have edited my scene from the production of ‘ZomGlee’ in the software called Final Cut Pro which you can see my project in, in the screen shot shown below.

Screen shot 2013-03-27 at 15.25.50

I was editing the dance scene with the music audio ‘Thriller’ which we filmed in the Sports Hall on day 1 of the production.
Once I had logged and transferred all of the video clips which was required to edit my scene together, I opened them in the ‘multi-cam’ which shows sixteen individual different video clips at once, which are in sync with the music audio at the right time. I put these clips together in a specific order by listening closely to the audio and detecting the beat at the right time, then clicking on a certain video clip to put it into the timeline.

You can see my video time line in the screen shot below. This is where all of the video clips and also the audio are placed in the correct order. You can see the scrubber on the timeline, this is where it will play from where you set the scrubber. Once I had completed my video and added in the transitions at the end to make it fade to black by pressing the command key and T, I went to the beginning of the timeline where the video starts and pressed the key iScreen shot 2013-03-27 at 15.25.34

As there were more than sixteen separate video clips from different angles of the dance, once I had completely edited the first part of the dance scene I logged and transferred in some additional video clips from the memory cards and then manually put them into the timeline in a specific order, then cut the clips to the right length using the cut tool by pressing the key B and then moving them to the right place by using the arrow by pressing A. Below is a screenshot of the browser which has all of the video clips I needed in them, which were already cut to the right length whilst logging and transferring.

Screen shot 2013-03-27 at 15.26.13When using the multi-cam to edit my video, I had to make the video clips sync with the music audio (Thriller by Michael Jackson). To do this, go to the top of the slug canvas in Final Cut Pro and open the video clips. If I wanted them to go off sync, I would click ‘Sync Off’ instead so the video clips shown in the multi-cam would play how they are, without the audio. The drop down box I used is shown below in the screenshot.

Screen shot 2013-03-27 at 15.27.22

Below is a screenshot of the ‘Canvas’ which I viewed my whole project on. This is where I could see exactly what I was editing, so once I had edited a small part of the video from the timeline, I could look on here and view what I had just done to check it was complete.  Screen shot 2013-03-27 at 16.36.41

Evaluation – Popstar

For this ‘Popstar’ assignment, I have made a single cover following the themes which our group discussed and came up with for our campaign.

Looking at my finished final design, my media product does match up to the original proposal as it clearly follows the theme and genre of the music which we proposed. Our general theme and genre was edgy grunge, with an urban indie twist to it. I have displayed these themes and genre in my final design by the way the model is posing and the props she is holding (a spray paint can). Also, by the background which I placed my model on by cutting her out of the original background and placing her onto a grunge looking wall image of which I found on Google images, and also the specific style of font which our whole group decided to use called ‘Amsterdam’ which we downloaded and installed from a font website called Dafont.com, which is an urban graffiti style font also linking in with out specific theme.

I would personally say that the completed design of my single cover does in fact have an appeal to the target audience, which is 16-30 year old members of both genders, as generally they enjoy that specific type of music and are also attracted to media products which follow the grunge/urban indie style. Also, I think they could relate to the titles of the single cover which we named ‘Karma’ as it would sound cool to them and would perhaps entice them to listen to it as it sounds interesting. Another thing which I would say makes the media product attractive to the target audience is the way the text has been placed onto the background, making it seem that the model is actually spray painting the wording onto the wall behind her, this could interest them as perhaps it is something they enjoy or even do.

The brand is consistent throughout all of my groups completed media products as we have all closely followed the brief and theme. On all of our media products (Single and album cover, promotional poster and magazine cover) we all used the exact same font (Amsterdam) which was a graffiti style of font to fit in with our theme. Although we all used the same font, we have slightly differed it from each design by making it stand out on the specific background it was placed onto, for instance, putting in a bigger drop shadow on Photoshop, making the inner glow a different colour and so on. Also, we obviously all had the same logo as each other, which was a black graffiti style rose with the brands name ‘Black Rose’ placed around the rose in an arc formation. Another thing which is consistent through all of our final designs is the colour scheme used which was black, white and red.

If I was given the chance to redo my final design of the single cover, certain aspects which I would change this time around is perhaps the font choice. I would have liked to searched for a different graffiti style of font which was easier to read, as one point of feedback which I received was how the word ‘Rose’ wasn’t that easy to read at first glance. Another thing I would do to make the text slightly easier to read is make the font stand out more from the background, by maybe making the font bolder by adding a larger drop shadow on, or putting a different colour font or outer glow from behind the text to make it more attractive and attention grabbing.

I have received a few comments about my design from peers and teachers, which were; The font isn’t that easy to read. I agree with this as when you first look at the word ‘Rose’ on my final design the letter R looks like a P, so you only realise that the word says rose when you see the image of the rose above it. I could have perhaps made this certain word slightly easier to read by adding in effects on the text in Photoshop like giving the word an inner glow with a contrasting colour, for instance black text with a white inner glow. Also, I could have spaced the letters further apart so that each individual letter was easy to read.
Another comment I received was that the model looks slightly out-of-place where it has been placed on the background. I agree with this as you can clearly tell that the model isn’t actually in front of a brick wall. I could have corrected this by taking more time with the levels on the photo, like the brightness and contrast levels to make it look more realistic.

Overall, I am generally happy with my final design and I would personally say that I have followed the theme and brief well to come up with this design. Although I can see weaknesses in  my design, for instance the blank spaces on the cover at the top right, look boring and dull.
The logo which I designed isn’t very creative nor is it to the standard of which I could have potentially achieved if I had put my time and effort into it.
Also, the font which we chose as a group doesn’t really match up to the general theme. I believe if we had taken our time to choose a different font, the whole cover would have been more aesthetically pleasing.