Roles Report

For the film trailer “An Homage to Fromage” I am working with four of my peers and we all have individual roles to do throughout the filming process.

Paulina is an actor, acting out the part of the main character called “Jessica Green”. She will have to dress accordingly to fit into her characters stereotype in order to successfully play out the character, and also, to help continuity, wear the same clothing all through filming. Paulina will have to work alongside the rest of the cast and also crew, and take orders from crew, the director specifically, and take into consideration other people playing the characters.

Cameron is our director, who will be initiating all of our filming and telling the cast and crew exactly what to do during the filming process. He will have to ensure that all of the shots that the camera man is filming are correct, using the right type of shot etc.

Alphy is our groups camera man, so he will be filming on the cameras the whole trailer. He shall ensure that all of the shots follow the composition and that the boom pole isn’t in shot. He will have to set up the tripod, and camera, and make sure that the memory card is in.

Sereena is another actor, playing out a main character, The Janitor. Sereena’s character is the one that brings the comedy to the film, so Sereena will have to play this role well without getting distracted or messing around in order for the filming to be successful.

In the filming process, I shall be acting for one particular corridor scene. This will require me to know exactly what the director wants me to do, and if any, what dialogue I will need to say.
I will also be on audio, holding the boom pole in the right position in order to sufficiently pick up enough audio, without picking up any ambient and foley. When filming audio outside, I shall put the wind shield cover onto the mic, so it won’t pick up any of the wind, effecting the sound quality.
I will also be checking up on the continuity. I will ensure that everyone wheres the same clothing each time we shoot, and all of the props required are on set.

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